
Solidus’ IAAS business model

Solidus’ IAAS business model

The IAAS business model is one that is growing in popularity, and for good reason. It allows businesses to get the resources they need without having to invest in physical hardware. This can be a great option for smaller businesses who may not have the budget or space for their own servers.

At Solidus, we’ve developed our own unique way of providing IAAS resources. We offer CPU, GPU, RAM, and HD space on a monthly subscription basis. This allows our customers to scale their resources up or down as needed, making it a flexible and affordable solution. We’re confident that our approach offers the best value in the market today. If you’re interested in learning more about IAAS, please contact us today.

Blockchain a summary

Put simply, blockchain is a way of storing information on multiple computers at once so that no one computer has the complete version. This makes it harder for hackers or else those with nefarious intent to tamper with data because there are too many copies available which they couldn’t control alone and every single piece would need to be altered.

There is an almost limitless supply of what are referred to as “blocks” which make up these records. When you insert a new block into these networks it’s called mining. Mining is how new transactions are placed onto the public ledger.

Distributed Ledgers

Ledgers are a way for people and companies to track their finances in real time. For example, every transaction that takes place on the blockchain has its own recorded date which cannot be altered or deleted retroactively because it’s permanently cemented into history thanks to this ledger system — hence why they’re also called “immutable.”

Distributed ledgers are an electronic record of transactions that can be verified by everyone in the system, regardless if they’re involved with them or not. This allows for more transparency and security when dealing within a decentralized economy since there’s no need to trust third parties such as banks which oftentimes take their own sweet time before releasing information onto customers’ screens — never knowing what might happen during those moments where everything goes wrong.

How they’re important

The main benefits of distributed ledgers include that they are highly secure, transparent, immutable and can be hard to manipulate or damage, while database entries can occur without needing third parties.

Cryptocurrency and distributed ledger technology can be utilised to improve aspects of finance, such as cross border payments. These technologies allow transactions without the need for third party mediation or approval — these are known as smart contracts. One example is peer-to instance lending where blockchain helps simplify paperwork by digitising documents that would have been paper heavy before; this makes it easier on everyone involved because there’s no need go back through old records when you could just show up at your meeting location electronically with all signed agreements in hand (no pun intended).

Cryptocurrency is making its way into more and more investment products, such as crypto ETFs. These investments aim at bringing in new users with their ease of use for those who are unfamiliar or uncomfortable handling cryptocurrencies themselves. Distributed ledgers make this easier in multiple ways.


Blockchain is the future, and it’s here to stay! You’ll be able to use this technology for everything from payments (think Bitcoin) all the way up through to elections. It has already proven its worth in industries like land registration.

It’s revolutionary in its own way, because it allows people without internet access or mobile phones to still participate on an equal playing field with those who do have these technologies by providing them with secure ways of keeping records updated across different systems — especially when you consider all industries where this kind of data management would be useful: government applications like digital currency/payments; land registration, identity management, supply channel et cetera.

How Solidus’ services will help with traffic congestion/ smart cities.

Imagine a world where traffic is no longer an issue. Where efficient transportation is available to everyone, at any time of day or night — without having to worry about being late because your destination was too busy. With Solidus’ services smart cities can become reality through increased efficiency and connectivity between vehicles on the roadways as well as people living in these communities themselves who will be able to communicate more easily with each other due to decreased wait times for public utilities like electricity.

With the help of Solidus’ services, traffic congestion and smart city initiatives will become a thing of the past.

Token system

The Solidus project is developing a revolutionary new way to run hosting services, until the IaaS platform is released holders of the AITECH tokens will be able to stake for quarterly rewards.

What investors can do

According to BSO (World-leading infrastructure provider) , “The key advantage of IaaS is that it eliminates the need for investment in hardware and lowers the costs associated with IT maintenance”.

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