High-performance Computing (HPC) refers to the aggregation of computer power for it to deliver higher performance than an ordinary laptop or desktop would, to perform very complex tasks or large problems in science, engineering, or business.
It allows solving some of the biggest problems such as combatting cancer and identifying next-gen materials in order to accelerate the understanding of diseases. Furthermore, it aids with business challenges by making them more seamless and efficient.
HPC is used in
- Research labs–to aid scientists to find new ways of renewable energy amongst other things
- Media Entertainment–to edit films and add effects or stream live events around the world
- Oil and gas–to help determine wells, to drill more accurately, and boost the production of existing ones
- Artificial Intelligence and machine learning–to aid with the development of self-driving cars and the detection of cancer and determination of the most suitable treatment
- Financial services –to track stock trends and hence automate trading
HPC is indispensable in the fight against climate change as it helps improve fuel efficiency and help design better turbines and in general for find new ways of renewable energy.
Furthermore, HPC is vital for the health industry as it can determine patterns and hence improve lives by suggesting patient-tailored medicine. By determining personalized medicine lives can be saved as patients are treated more accurately to their individual needs.
In other industries, the advancement of processes and technologies heavily depends on HPC and would be stuck without it. HPC enables the advancement of technologies, improves products, makes processes more efficient, reduces the cost of production, enables accurate decision-making all whilst striving to switch to renewable energies. Hence, the need for HPC and consequently HPC facilities is vital for the evolution of industries.
China currently holds the biggest share in systems, yet they are overtaken by the United States in terms of performance. Asia is the continent with the biggest system share as well as performer, primarily China followed by Japan. The United States is the second continent in terms of share and performance. Currently, only two of the top 10 HPC are based in Europe. In total, European facilities produce around 5% of the computer power, whilst consuming one-third of it. For the consumption of computing power, European scientists and engineers hence have to rely on U.S. facilities. Consequently, the current need for more HPC in Europe is pressing, in order to not rely on external expensive facilities anymore. This leaves a huge gap in the market which Solidus AI Tech took advantage of. The company first constructed its business model around the mining of Etherum via GPU-based mining rigs. Now, however, as Ethereum will move to a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism, the mining becomes obliterate. Therefore, Solidus AI Tech will now change its business model to build data centers containing state-of-the-art data centers with HPC in order to foster Europe’s advancement in various sectors.
To conclude, the world will solely be able to develop with the integration and adoption of HPC. Hence the future heavily depends on technology. Yet, if no company drives the development and adoption of HPC, then the country or region will lag behind. This poses an imminent need for more data centers for Europe. This gap is bridged with Solidus AI Tech. The company realized the imminent need for more computing power within Europe and consequently has built an 8000 square foot data center in Budapest. This computing power will be provided to the researcher and engineers within Europe. The surplus of computing power will be sold to other areas in need. For the future Solidus AI Tech has also planned to add more facilities. This will be done with the funds from the AITECH token as well as the European grant received in order to scale their current operations further.
Solidus AI Tech is currently a frontrunner in its operations and one of the first private companies in the world ready to deploy HPC in a very flexible manner. Furthermore, it also released the world’s first utility token, which can be used for the purchase of Infrastructure-as-as-Service once the data center and the software are complete.
About Solidus AI Tech
Solidus AI Tech is a tech company that is bridging the gap of insufficient High-Performance Computing resources in Europe by building data centers throughout Europe. One facility in Budapest has already been built and the company is commencing to build an HPC infrastructure. Solidus AI Tech will build the technology that will enable communities to feel more connected and safer and henceforth become the leader of the democratization of AI.
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