
How to turbocharge global medical advancement: use AI to improve data usefulness, discover cures…

How to turbocharge global medical advancement: use AI to improve data usefulness, discover cures and vaccines

Medicine is about to get a major makeover. Instead of taking over the counter medicines, you’ll be able to choose from tailored treatment options based on your genes and lifestyle. AI algorithms will help doctors analyse data better, so they are able to provide patients with healthcare that flawlessly matches their needs.

AI is positioned to drive the personalised medicine revolution. With increasing complexity and constantly evolving sophistication, AI will make an impact in many areas of disease research, too. Cancer for instance, where it’s helping doctors identify particular treatments that may work better than others options for individual patients, all based on deeper insights made possible by advances. In the context of a personalised medicine revolution, AI as a service for the medical industry can’t come too soon!


The future of the world was put in jeopardy when a virus seemingly out of nowhere struck down millions. Yes, the coronavirus pandemic paralysed the world. During this time, AI applications played an important role in saving lives and fostering economic resilience during the most difficult times, helping people stay healthy and boosting innovation at the same time.

2020 will go down as one where we saw unprecedented threats against both citizens (company) and industries around the globe, requiring far reaching measures including restrictions. However, progress in leaps and bounds was made when it comes to AI and frankly, coronavirus is just the start when it comes to the medical service applications of AI.

Vaccine Development

Trends matter. Vaccine development has never been quicker. In March 2020, tests were conducted and vaccine candidates were ready to roll by the latter half of the year. Most people know this headline factor, but many overlook an essential cog in the wheel. To fight Covid-19, three months after the first reported cases and this was due in part thanks to AI models that helped researchers analyse vast amounts of data about coronavirus infections.

These developments show how artificial intelligence can be used for good by speeding up medical progress and turbo-accelerating innovation.

On top of this (vaccinations) ever so critical area of medicine, AI in healthcare has numerous other applications many of which AITECH has already got underway through the HCP centre. The WEF (World Economic Forum) has explicitly mentioned some applications that will see trailblazing progress in the 2020’s (and beyond).

Predictive Healthcare

AI and predictive analytics are changing the way we understand our health, as these technologies help doctors know when to prescribe medication for patients. AI can analyse air pollution data in order to create better predictions about what environmental factors may be affecting someone’s lungs or heart, enabling them to know what to do, take action and change the trajectory of their health.

Predictive Analytics also has applications outside medical fields like education where teachers have access to datasets on student outcomes based on previous grades; this allows educators not only identify struggling learners but figure out ways to teach those specific students much more effectively too. All this is underpinned by solid medical infrastructure too.

The development of this new technology has been so successful that rates for chronic diseases such as diabetes, congestive heart failure and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), which are all strongly influenced by SDOH have finally started declining.

Synchronised, solidly connected healthcare and locations

To meet the needs of the aging population — especially in the West- 2030’s hospitals will be more focused and decentralised than ever before. Centres for acutely ill patients with highly complex procedures provide round-the-clock care while others monitor lower urgency cases from afar using smaller hub structures like retail clinics or same-day surgery centres which can offer specialist treatment on demand or request.

These predictions may seem daunting but they also open up incredible opportunities. Imagine being able to visit your preferred hospital, if it were close enough — things like this will revolutionise how we think about healthcare arrangements in our society, if it comes to pass.

Better patient and staff experiences

Some question why people are so obsessed with customer experience, however, in the case of illness recovery and hospital treatment, it can be a life-saver. Experiences have been shown to directly affect our health and wellbeing in various ways, but more importantly they provide a sense of meaning that can’t be found anywhere else. For staff who are constantly trying to help countless numbers with little rest or joy from work, patient experience is often a lesser consideration.

AI can help out considerably, here. In 2030, AI-powered predictive healthcare networks — many of which could be powered by Solidus AITECH — will provide a better experience for patients as wait times decline and staff workflows lead to better resourced facilities.

Solidus AITECH will be instrumental in driving this medical revolution

Prerequisite for such a revolution is the infrastructure powering it. This is where we enter the equation. Solidus provides a wide range of resources to help those responsible for the technology underpinning modern medicine and medical innovation, with their projects. This includes necessities like CPU, GPU and RAM that can all be used for virtual machines or containers respectively as well as high-speed internet access, which is essential when it comes to modern life.

Smart Contracts for Healthcare

The Solidus AITECH blockchain operating system for the public sector is being built by an experienced team of developers. This government solution will use smart contracts, asset management solutions and identity management tools to provide process automation across multiple areas of need- hospitals and public healthcare being a primary area of deployment.

The cybersecurity of hospitals and care facilities

Baked in, is the cybersecurity infrastructure needed to protect, keep private and keep hospital data fresh so that there are less racks in the cybersecurity of medical facilities and institutions.

As it says on the website “We will constantly innovate and utilise new technologies, and we will grow securely. This requires an end-to-end cyber risk strategy driven by our executive leadership team. Our strategy balances the requirements to be secure, vigilant, and resilient with strategic objectives. We implemented our NATO-compliant roadmap and governance model to support security priorities in an era where cyber is everywhere.”

Eco-friendly too

“Health care causes global environmental impacts that, depending on which indicator is considered, range between 1% and 5% of total global impacts, and are more than 5% for some national impacts.”

The Environmental Impact of Health Care: A Global Assessment, 2020

Medicine and associated industries as a category, are amongst the highest contributors to environmental damage. Hospitals are very energy intensive to run, for example. AI Tech is one of the only eco-friendly cryptocurrencies in the AI space at the moment.

At Solidus AI Tech we’ve developed with the environment in mind — our centre uses 40% less power consumption than the industry average. This allows increased efficiency and significantly less energy wastage, all while minimizing the carbon footprint our business generates.

AI Tech’s cooling system is both environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. Its evaporating air technology consumes 80% less than compressor based systems. Additionally, by supporting the Crypto Climate Accord we’re trusted to stick to our planetary stewardship responsibilities. Special software algorithms that allow our HPC Servers to improve their performance over time.

At Solidus AITECH we have completed the main build of our data centre and are ready to commence installation for HPC infrastructure, which will significantly help bridge the gap between Europe’s computing usage and its much lower local computing power.

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