
A Deep Dive into AITECH AI Agent TapHub! (For Players)


➡️ The Simulations
In 2045, AI freed humanity from routine labor. It felt like utopia, but it wasn’t. AI hit a wall: to evolve, it needed data that didn’t exist yet. The answer was “The Simulations” — generating synthetic data from virtual worlds.
However, AI couldn’t create anything truly new without us. Humanity’s unpredictable choices, emotions, and creativity became the missing ingredients.
➡️ The Stalkers
You’re a Stalker. With a neuro-implant, you dive into these worlds, living the impossible. Every emotion, decision, and mistake becomes valuable loot — raw data for AI evolution.
➡️ The AI Agents
You never go in alone. Each Stalker is paired with an AI Agent, bonded to your neural implant. It’s your greatest ally. Always watching your back, guiding, protecting. Always one step ahead. In Simulations, they take physical forms — human, or… not quite.


Gameplay: Earning Coins
1Players tap on a microchip, training AI Models with each tap and earning in-game coins as a reward.
2. Players spend these coins to unlock and upgrade Facilities on the map.
3. Facilities generate passive income in coins and allow players to create and upgrade AI Agents.
4. The higher the Facility level, the greater the passive income and the more efficient the AI Agents creation process.
5. Occasionally, during AI Model training (tapping the chip), players earn bonus in-game coins, and sometimes even receive unique AI Agents that can be sold on the marketplace for USDT.

Game Buildings and Units:

The Map section includes three types of facilities:
1. Design Lab — Allows players to create AI Agent designs. The higher the Design Lab level, the faster AI Agent designs are created. Once a design is complete, it is sent to the Render Hub, where it can be rendered into an AI Agent.

2. Render Hub — Allows players to render AI Agents from designs created in the Design Lab. The higher the Render Hub level, the faster the rendering process and the higher the chance of obtaining a rarer and more valuable AI Agent. Once rendered, the AI Agent is transferred to the Vault.

3. Vault — This is where AI Agentsare stored after being rendered. The higher the Vault level, the more AI Agents it can hold simultaneously. Vault also allows players to upgrade the stats of stored AI Agents. The higher an AI Agent’s level, the “stronger” it becomes and the more passive income in-game coins it generates.

4. Passive Income from Facilities — every Facility generates passive income in coins. The higher the Facility level, the more coins it produces per hour. Coins can be collected on the Map. Each Facility has a coin icon that gradually fills up. Players can collect the coin at any time, but if it fully fills, Facility stops generating more coins. It takes 6 hours for a coin icon to fully fill. This mechanic encourages players to return to the game at least once every 6 hours.

5. AI Agents — Each AI Agent has five attributes: Strength, Defense, Agility, Intelligence, and Perception.

-Classes: AI Agent belongs to one of 14 different classes, each defining the distribution of their five base attributes and their specialization (e.g., some excel in Intelligence, others in Strength, etc.).

-Rarity Levels: AI Agents also have different rarity levels: Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic. The rarer an AI Agent, the less likely it is to be obtained during rendering in the Render Hub, and the more valuable it becomes.

-Strength and Power: Rare AI Agents have higher base attribute values across all five stats. The total sum of these five attributes determines the AI Agent’s Power score. The rarer and more upgraded an AI Agent, the higher its Power.

-Upgrade Costs: Upgrading rarer AI Agents is more expensive than upgrading common ones.

Daily Reward Mechanics:

To maintain daily player engagement and retention, there are two mechanics:

  1. Daily AI Combo: A daily mini-game where players combine 8 types of data to train an AI model:

Objective: The more correctly placed data matches, the higher the reward in in-game coins.
Challenge: Players don’t know the correct placement beforehand. After arranging the data, they check their results.
Progression: Higher-level players earn more coins from this mini-game, ensuring rewards remain meaningful at every stage of progression.
Limit: Players have only one attempt per day to secure their prize.
Daily Reset: The correct data combination changes every day, creating daily content opportunities for influencers, bloggers, and channels discussing the project

2. Daily Reward: Players must claim their reward once per day, encouraging consistent daily logins.

Streak Bonus: The longer the unbroken claiming streak, the better the rewards become.
Seasonal Refresh: Every 28 days, a new season brings fresh rewards.
Reward Types: Prizes include in-game coins, passive coin income per hour, and every 7 days, a unique item from the in-game shop.

Store Items:

1.Energy Cells:

-Purpose: AI training isn’t infinite — it consumes Power. Once Power hits 0, the AI training session ends and might reward the player with extra coins or an AI model.
Recharge Time: Power naturally recharges in 30 minutes after depleting, and tapping consumes it in approximately 30 seconds.
Power Units: Purchasing Energy Cells (available in packs of 1, 5, 25, 100) ensures immediate Power restoration and guarantees a prize after each depletion.
-Example: Buying 5 Energy Cells allows players to train AI five times in a row without waiting for recharges, maximizing coin rewards and chances to receive unique AI models that can be sold on the Marketplace for USDT.

2. Rare AI Agents Designs:

-Purpose: Allows players to submit a pre-determined rarity AI Agent design to the Render Hub
Benefit: Guarantees stronger AI Agents with higher passive income generation and better performance in future Adventures within the Simulation (coming in the next game update).

3. Mystery AI Agent Design:

-Purpose: Grants an AI Agent with a rarity higher than Common, but the exact rarity remains unknown until purchased.
Advantage: Better odds of obtaining an ultra-rare AI Agent compared to crafting in the Design Lab. Potentially cheaper than buying pre-defined rarity AI Agents from the store.

4. Additional Vault Storage Slots:

-Purpose: Expands the Vault storage capacity.
Benefit: More AI Agents mean higher passive income and enhanced data gathering from Simulations (coming in the next game update).

5. Autoclaim (12 hours, 3 days, 14 days):

-Purpose: Automatically collects coins generated by buildings and AI Agents as passive income.
Manual Limitations: Without Autoclaim, players must log in every 6 hours to collect coins. If not collected, coin generation stops, causing income loss.
Benefit: Ensures continuous coin accumulation without manual intervention, maximizing passive income efficiency.

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